Cast Members
We could not do this wedding alone. Here are some of the key contributors to our wedding. Without them not only would our wedding fall apart, but so would our lives.
The Bridesmaids

Nedra Graham
Maid Of Honor
The Louise in my Thelma! Who could have imagined that two totally completely opposite personalities could be in sync with one another. When we are together we laugh so much and often it can get us into trouble. Nedra has been a great support and help when I have gotten myself into messes. Her soul is so colorful and energy captivating. She is a true friend, a wonderful person & her sense of humor is sunshine on a rainy day. She is a woman with gr8 integrity and I am honored to have her stand as my Maid of Honor.

Michelle A Richmond
College Friend & Apple Lover
Michelle & I have come a long way from being college graduates, to sharing an office then getting to see her fall in love and marry her sweetheart. It was a beautiful wedding & I was ecstatic to see her so happy. She is Alaskin grown & I have had the privelage of tasting some of that Yummy fish. I am so blessed to have such a sweet and kind friend like Michelle. Now we are both in new chapters building on the gift of family. She almost was not able to stand in our wedding. Her sister is also getting married but the wedding Gawds have worked it all out. Whew, what a close call!

May Almero Cruz
Bulldog Lover & Great Friend
When Mitch & I first started dating May & Mark invited us both to their wedding! Wow, that was over 7 years ago. May has been a supportive friend throughout all these years. We got to express our creativity together as college students. She is now experiencing the newness and beauty of being a Mommie! I know she will be a Fabulous fun loving Mumme as I see her love for her 2 Bulldogs Obi & Pixel. I actually want to be adopted into her household. May has always supported me during my most challenging times. I am so excited to have her stand in our wedding as one of the ladies!

Alexis Blancett
Gr8 snowboarder & New Mom!
We met at a time where only God can creat such paths to intertwine. I have seen this little girl turn into an amazing woman! She just became a new Mommie and I am so excited to be a witness to her life transformation. We have had many tears shed, and many laughters and I am sure there is so much more in store. Whenever we get together it seems like no time has passed. I love Alexis like she is my little sister. I am blessed to have Alexis be a part of my big day!

Lisa Jones
Boxer lover and jokester!
A worldly traveler that confuses me many times with her vocabulary. Lisa is a very witty and clever woman and has been a great friend. Anytime I needed to lean on Lisa she has been there for me. Lisa has always supported me throughtout my tough times. Sometimes watching & listening to Lisa is like channel surfing, you just can’t get enough of her variety — she hooks ya in! I love this chic and how grateful I am that she will be standing alongside with me in my wedding day.

Ariana Perez
My sista from another something!
I adopted Ariana over a few years ago as my little Latina sister. It has been amazing to see how quickly we formed a bond. Just as she has needed me in the past years, I in turn needed her (and still do of course). We can be silly or serious but I think we prefer silly. Ari has made me feel loved unconditionally and inspires to do the right thing. Sometimes people actually think we are sisters. Guess we enjoy wearing black tights with heels! I’m so happy she is going to be a part of our wedding!
The Groomsmen

Tom Gabl
The Best Man
I met Tommy when I was 4 years old. My mother was managing a Day Care at the time, and his mom’s car broke down in front of our house. My fondest memory is Tommy asking to ride my big, purple, girl’s bike. I said no several times, but his persistent request finally got through. I watched as Tommy, for the first time, tackled riding a bike. No training wheels, no help, just riding. He would not even put his foot down when the bike would tip over. He was so determined to figure it out, that he would ride the bike into the ground. Tommy is my brother from another mother. Through thick and thin we navigated childhood, and I would not be half the man I am today if it were not for him.

Dave Gohman
A Powerful Jedi
My one-and-only older brother. Dave has always been a symbol of the heart (110%)–bringing kindness and compassion to everything he encounters. I would say he is the rabble rouser of the family, but that is just because I laid on the charm. I followed my brother on many a roof top adventure, at one point climbing out of our second-story bedroom window, over the top of our parents bedroom (had to be real quiet), down to the ground, and downtown Glen Ellyn – at 3 in the morning. When I see Dave now, I am inspired to see how he embraces life, and makes the most of everything.

Mike Mongolis
Meeky-Pastriki-From-Wakiki BAYBEE
“Is that a turn-table? Well get on it, its your turn!” Artist to Artist, Mike has always brought passion to the world of expression. Expression in Dance, Music, and Life. From skating half, to soccer, to dancing–I still carry those high school years close to my heart. And to go through college together–the true coming of age–we had the time of our lives. I remember sitting outside of our dorm room, right after our parents dropped us off, knowing that our college years were ahead of us. For the first time, free. And what an amazing first year – getting to know so many people. One party at a time. Those years almost feel like another life. But every time I see Mike–he takes me right back to those days. Fun, full of awe and wonder–unstoppable.

Frank Novakowski
The Compass
Frank has always been my rock – someone I can count on for anything. If there is a right way to do something–he’s doing it. We became good friends the summer of our HS graduation (’93 for those counting) competing at a Chicago Gymnastics Beach meet. When I moved out to California, Frank came to visit and introduced me to Ben. I call him the compass because he knew his way around LA better than I did. Quoting streets and locations as if he lived here for years. Without his discipline and preparation–I would have never survived hiking the grand canyon.

Matt Seward
The Mad Hatter
Matt and I became friends while working at Mt. Sierra College. I knew him as a fellow instructor, but really hit it off when I took on the position of Department Chair. To have someone like Matt around made all the difference in the world, as I went through growing pains of dealing with the culture and politics of Mt. Sierra College. To this day, Matt is a someone I can count on for anything. Love is certainly in the air, as Matt and Lee Anne Graves (our principal photographer) married on July 3rd.

Rudy Gardea
The Red Tailed Hawk
Some would say Rudy suffers from a “foot in the mouth” syndrome. I would say Rudy wears his heart on his sleeve, and brings bold, full-self expression to everything he does. While this gets him in trouble sometimes, its what I love most about him. He is not afraid to start up a conversation with a complete stranger – and truly lives life to the fullest. Rudy has always helped me play more, be more, and live more!!
Honorable Mention

Ben Clancy
The Officiant
I met Ben through Frank in College, but we did not start hanging out until Frank re-introduced us in LA (circa 2000). Since we did not know anyone, and we both loved hiking and drawing–we hit it off. Ben is one of the most grounded and authentic people I know. We both share a love for philosophy, the human psyche, teaching as a science, the arts, and enlightenment. Christina and I see him and his wife, Sarah, as symbols for who we strive to be. When Christina and I discussed who we would want to marry us–Ben was the obvious solution. There is no one we would rather have to support us in taking our vows, and joining us in our spiritual union.

Brittney Carillo
God Daughter, Ring Bearer!
This little girl just melts our hearts! Brittney is so full of life and she has been one of our greatest teachers. Her smile is contagious. Brittney has taught and is teaching Mitch and I how to be fun loving adults. We often get colorful letters and cards from her in the mail. We have saved every single one of them. We have both agreed to give Brittney 2 big responsibilites for our day: to be the flower girl and, to be the ring bearer. What a privalage to have Brittnerella be a part of our union.

Morris Ervin
Our Master of Celebrations
I met Morris through Landmark Education Self Expression and Leadership program. I know Morris for being unstoppable, full of energy–and a constant reminder of “Don’t make it mean something, just make it move!!” He’s a family man, and lights up the lives of children and adults as a motivational speaker. He brings a smile and compassion to everything he does, and sees the world as nothing but opportunity. Morris makes it move, and is perfect for supporting an unforgettable wedding reception.

Kimo Oades
Production Supervisor
Kimo Oades was the first instructor I have had who brought compassion and integrity to the classroom. I recall thinking who does this person think he is? But he guided us through 11 intense weeks of instruction proving his candor. Beyond teaching me Photoshop, he showed me how teaching is more than just presentation. Kimo also entrusted me with my first teaching opportunity–now one of my life’s passions. I have always looked to Kimo as a mentor and guide in the world of teaching and design. Our relationship went from student/teacher, to colleague, to an uncompromising friendship. One of my most valued friends, I can always count on him to lend and ear–and stir the pot.

Eden Oades
Production Supervisor
Every time I have been to the Oades home, Eden has made me feel like I was part of the family. She is also an amazing cook. I would secretly want to hang out with Kimo just to get some more of her amazing food. Plenty of rice, plenty of good eats. What I also know about Eden, is that she keeps Kimo balanced. While she may look like a sweet angel, she can hold her own – and this is exactly what Kimo needs in his life. They compliment each other in a way that I truly admire and aspire to model. We are so blessed to have them both in our lives.

Lee Anne Graves-Seward
Principal Photographer
Lee Anne just married Matt Seward July 23rd–and we were blessed to bear witness to their union. We took notes as they demonstrated an event of ease and love. When we told them we were getting married, Lee Anne offered herself to us as our principal photographer. We of course jumped at the chance to have someone we know and trust to manage the vision of our wedding. We know Lee Anne for the warmth and friendliness she brings to every gathering, and the counter balance in Matt’s life.

Czardas Trio
When Christina and I first started dating we would eat at Tidal Wave restaurant in downtown Monrovia–about once a week. The Czardas Trio frequented this restaurant, and their music and energy was the highlight of our dining experience. We loved their music soo much, we had to buy their CD. We were bummed when Tidal Wave shut down, and the Czardas Trio were no longer playing in Monrovia. We are so blessed to have them provide the musical soundtrack to our Wedding Ceremony.
Check out some of their music.
Couple Brought To You By

Beatrice Ruelas
Bride's Mother, Ms. Fixit
My Mom is quite unordinary, something I truly admire about her. She raised my brother & I from a young age. She mastered both Mom & Dad roles early on. We sure did keep her busy! Now the time is here where she gets to witness 2 amazing events in her children’s lives: her daughter getting married &, her son becoming a father. My Mom has taught me many strengths & I am so blessed to have her support & love in my life.

Mario Ruelas
Brides Brother, Bubbu
My little brother took on the role of my Big brother. Ever since he grew taller than me he became my protector. Life was challenging growing up, however we had each other to lean on through all of those tough times. My brother is to walk me down the isle on October 8th. However the birth of his baby, Aiden, due October 7th may challenge this. We shall see how all evolves. Whatever happens I know GOD’s timing is perfect!

Trish Gohman
Grooms Mother
My mother currently lives in Kingman, Arizona working for Mohave Community College as the Secretary to the Director of Library Services. She is also currently a charter member for a her new Lutheran church. Nothing stops her, and she has inspired me through a wealth of love, compassion, and community to every thing she does.

Mike Gohman
Grooms Father
My dad lives in Pasadena, Ca. As Marge Carson’s Director of Design, he is constantly on the move–a worldly traveller for market showrooms, research, and production of their product. My father has always been the rock–a responsible, kind, loving and constant support. Someone whom I have looked up to for guidance and direction through the journey of life.
The Zoo

Mama Goose, Old Lady Friend, Baba-Ga-Noosh
Olive was our shadow, she was perfect. There was nothing better than to come home & see her peek behind the wall. She graced us with her beauty & brought many years of wonderful experiences to us. She helped us foster many newborn kittens. When she left us Mitch & I felt such great sadness. We created a website dedicated to remembering her: Our Olive. We carry on her legacy by loving our babies and giving them a good, solid loving home. Olive taught us how to love all animals.

Bailey Bubbus
Bubbus is Kiiiiiiing!
Our first ever pure bred boy dog, nuf said. Bubbas is stubborn, self willed and a manipulator. He has his Daddy wrapped around his little paw and he often finds himself being scolded by his Mommy. He does bring humor and spunk into our lives & likes to run with the big boys at the dog park. We do love our little charming Wookie.

Jazzy Gurl
It was an email blast sent to xTina that led us to this amazing little girl. Little did we know what a large presence Jazzy Gurl would have. She loves to cuddle & although she has the deep bark of a great dane, she is quite docile. Jazz is goofy, loves to play fetch & pounces like a cat. She is very opinionated whenever her Mommie & Daddy are having a conversation. It is rather adorable.

Boo Bear
Our first kitty cat! We rescued Boo Bear from the local shelter. She must have came from the ghetto because she is always planning her great escape. She has ninja skills & we often catch her communicating SOS code at night with the mini blinds to her outside friends. Behind her tough exterior she is really a little baby that wants to be in her Daddy’s arms.

What can we say after expanding from 1 cat (Boo Bear) to 3 (Asia & Budda) we were at the Vet when this little guy reached out of his cage to Mitch. He was the last of his litter waiting so patiently to get adopted. Mitch felt we needed to expand the men in the house & of course Nic worked his charm. Nic is so chill, he has to be given our house is 90% female! He is a lover boy & enjoys his food! If the food bowl is empty & we are sleeping he makes sure we change that by pouncing on us until we get up. Gotta love the boy!

Moonuh, Budda
Moonuh Melly
This one is special to xTina. She was bottle fed as a kitten when she was brand new! One day she got fluid in her lungs. She was hospitalized for 3 days (IV catheter, O2 tank, the works)! The vet said most likely she would not make it. However we just had to give her a chance. This little boogar pulled thru. She appears gentle, fragile and delicate but inside she is full of FIEST! I, xtina, sing to her the most. Ask me & I will sing you one of her many chants.

SLIM GUUUURL. I am told she needs “Kitty-Craig.” Asia is the true Dog-Cat. She is supa chill whenever company comes over. She is like her Mommie & can have extreme moods. She is confident in her Fullness and loves to nest on her Daddy’s chest. She has such a loud purr & the softest fur. She is the only one allowed out back unsupervised. She is, as my God daughter once described her, “Smooth.”

The Piglets
The Whoot Whoot Gang
We adopted 2 then there were 5! Being sexed wrong our pig family unexpectedly grew. Pumpkin (Momma) had 3 boys. We kept 1, Mugwia, along with Pappa, Reesess, and had them altered. They are social munchkins and have one of the healthiest diets. They whistle in the morning & in the evening when it is meal time. They are a fun energy to have in our home. The more life you around you the more alive you are!!!